Using Terminal Multiplexer

What is a terminal multiplexer? let wikipedia do the talking: A terminal multiplexer is a software application that can be used to multiplex several separate pseudoterminal-based login sessions inside a single terminal display, terminal emulator window, PC/workstation system console, or remote login session, or to detach and reattach sessions from a terminal. It is useful for dealing with multiple programs from a command line interface, and for separating programs from the session of the Unix shell that started the program, particularly so a remote process continues running even when the user is disconnected....

March 13, 2024 · (updated March 23, 2024) · 2 min · 397 words · Kristian Alexander P


Hyprland is a wlroots-based tiling Wayland compositor written in C++. Noteworthy features of Hyprland include dynamic tiling, tabbed windows, a clean and readable C++ code-base, and a custom renderer that provides window animations, rounded corners, and Dual-Kawase Blur on transparent windows. General usage and configuration is thoroughly documented at Hyprland wiki1. Starting Hyprland Hyprland can be started via a display manager (GDM, Lightdm etc), or via the command line (in archlinux it’s /usr/bin/Hyprland, notice the capital H)....

February 22, 2024 · (updated March 23, 2024) · 21 min · 4404 words · Kristian Alexander P