Org Mode Workflow

Table of Contents How I mapped my brain to org-mode Basically what I want is The 5 Steps from David Allen’s GTD Method Capture Clarify Organize Reflect Engage What I will need References Using org-mode Keybindings Specific org-mode variables org-directory and org-agenda-files org-archive-location org-todo-keywords Priority Tags Deadlines and Schedules Time-stamp Deadline Schedule The Agenda view. Configuring org-agenda-custom-commands Refiling and archiving Archiving Refiling Things of interest Using org-capture Capturing with templates Things of interest Synchronization, Capture Methods and everything else org-mode extensions Evil-mode org-fancy-priorities org-modern builtin packages saveplace savehist various files configuration How I mapped my brain to org-mode Lately I found that I am in dire need of an effective task management system as an IT support....

March 14, 2024 · (updated March 23, 2024) · 24 min · 4945 words · Kristian Alexander P